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Digital Health Co-Design



In the 'Mindsets' section of this online methodological toolkit you can find a range of standards and principles (often referred to as mindsets) that are used to frame how people approach co-designing digital health technologies.


In the 'Methods' section of this online toolkit you can find a range of methods (or techniques) used to co-designing digital health technologies with end users and other stakeholder groups.


In the 'Tools' section of this online methodological toolkit you can find a range of tools (or resources) used to support different methods for co-designing digital health technologies with end users and other stakeholder groups.


In the 'Theories' section of this online methodological toolkit you can find a theories, conceptual models and frameworks used to underpin the process of digital health co-design.


In the 'Implementation' section of this online methodological toolkit you can find a range of implementation factors (barriers and facilitators) along with an implementation framework that explains how to do digital health co-design.


In the 'Evaluation' section of this online methodological toolkit you can find a range of evaluation frameworks and approaches  that can be used to assess the success of co-design digital health technologies with end users and other stakeholder groups.

Digital Tablet


We are an interdisciplinary team of researchers who love to co-design digital health technologies! We developed this methodological toolkit to help all those who work in the digital health space to find useful mindsets, methods, tools and theories that you can help you create digital health products and services with patients, carers, the public, and healthcare professionals so that we get better quality technologies in healthcare.

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